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SnapShot – Liz Goodwin

Following the departure of Jenny Price to Sport England, MQR chatted to former chemist and new CEO of WRAP Liz Goddard about her promoted position and her plans for WRAP.

So, what’s your background Liz?
I’m a chemist with a PhD in physical chemistry. I started out at ICI in research and production before becoming an environmental advisor for the firm.

When ICI became part of Zeneca I took on the same role and then when part of Zeneca merged with Novartis I became an environmental manager there also.

So what’s a private sector chemist doing as CEO of a government agency?
Around the turn of the millennium I was in my late 30s and looking for a career change. I’d worked in the private sector for a long time and wanted something in a quasi public sector role with more contact with Government. So in 2001 I joined WRAP.

My time as an environmental manager had given me an interest in the issues WRAP deals with and my technical background held me in good stead to understand the work at a scientific level, so I started as a director of materials programmes.


About 18 months ago when we re-organised at the start of the current business plan I became the director of construction and manufacturing. Now I am CEO. Jenny is a tough act to follow but I have a lot to bring to the role.

OK, so what is top of your to-do list?
I think it is important to get the message across of recycling’s role in combating climate change. Public levels of awareness are very high and we need to capitalize on that.

Does this mean capital grant applications will be judged on CO2 reduction models?
We need a balanced approach. It depends on the primary driver for a piece of work. It is important to show a knowledge of carbon reduction when applying but I don’t think it will be a driver.

There are other elements as well as CO2 reduction such as diversion from landfill. We are also trying to protect resources and reduce primary extraction.

Do you have anything new in the offing for recyclers to look out for?
The new business plan has just started and needs to bed in so we don’t need anything new at present. I would like to continue building partnerships with bodies such as Envirowise and the Carbon Trust, though, and generally partnering for change.

But WRAP needs evolutionary change rather than anything radical. There were 30 people here when I started; there are now 210. It’s been good to be part of that growth. I think we’ll keep it steady as it goes.


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