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Scrubbers And Screens

Sepro Mineral Processing International Ltd have recently shipped several Sepro heavy-duty scrubbers and Sepro-Sizetec screens to clients in Cuba, Mali, Ukraine and the Indian Ocean.

Scrubbers and screens for Cuba

Two 3.0m diameter x 10.0m long Sepro scrubbers, three Sepro-Sizetec 1.8m x 6.0m double-deck scalping screens and six Sepro-Sizetec 1.8m x 4.8m step-deck screens for slurry sizing at 0.85mm were supplied to Cuba in late 2006 as part of a complete nickel/cobalt ore-washing plant designed and manufactured by Sepro in the UK. This plant will treat up to 1,200 tonnes/h of –300mm ‘run-of-mine’ lateritic nickel/cobalt ore and replaces a 700 tonnes/h installation comprising four very large log-washers. This contract followed three years’ highly successful operation of a 2.5m diameter x 6.0m long Sepro scrubber supplied to reprocess the log-washer product. The unit yielded a 30% increase in nickel recovery from residual fines trapped in undispersed clay coatings and clay balls in the log-washer product.

Scrubbers for Mali

Two 3.0m diameter x 8.0m long Sepro scrubbers were shipped to Societé D’Exploitation et de Production de la Mine D’Or de Kodieran, Republic of Mali, for the processing of a lateritic gold ore. This application required the total dispersion of finely disseminated clays to liberate fine gold, which is intimately associated with the clay minerals. The contract for these scrubbers followed the supply of a 1.8m diameter x 4.0m long Sepro scrubber to the same client in 2005 and the earlier success of a similar plant in Ghana.

Scrubber and screens for Ukraine

A 1.8m diameter x 3.6m long Sepro scrubber and two 1.8m x 3.6m Sepro-Sizetec 1.4mm aperture slurry sizing screens have just been completed for the washing of 200 tonnes/h of clay-bearing ilmenite ore in Ukraine.

Washing plant for the Indian Ocean

Sepro have also recently supplied a complete pilot-scale demonstration modular washing plant incorporating Sepro scrubbers, Sepro-Sizetec screens, a Sepro high-rate thickener, conveyors, pumps and monitoring equipment. This plant has successfully demonstrated the benefits of the intensive washing action of Sepro scrubbers in totally liberating finely disseminated metal values from an ore comprising 90% clay and fine cohesive limonite plus serpentine rocks up to 300mm in size. Data from this plant forms the design basis for a 1,500 tonnes/h washing plant using Sepro high-speed intensive washing technology as part of a new US$2 billion mine project. Sepro were awarded this contract after executing scrubber test work in the UK.

Sepro scrubbers are available in sizes up to 3.6m in diameter x 12.0m in length with capacities up to 2,000 tonnes/h for the processing of ore, rock and gravel deposits with high clay contents. They also offer a ‘high-capacity’ solution for less-difficult washing operations.

Sepro-Sizetec step-deck screens provide a solution to the high-capacity sizing of fine solids in slurry feeds. They offer 20% higher capacity and overcome the ‘caking’ of fines caused by the dewatering effects that can afflict flat screens fed with slurry at high pulp density.

Sepro Mineral Processing International Ltd, B4/Gamma House, Laser Quay, Medway City, Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4HU; tel: (01634) 720224; fax: (01634) 720228; email: [email protected]


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