Improved CPD Reporting for IQ Members

First published in the November 2021 issue of Quarry Management
Responding to feedback and analysis of industry best practice, IQ has undertaken a programme of software enhancements that enables members to view their CPD progress via a series of informative graphics
Studies show that people remember only 20% of what they read but 80% of what they see. The Institute of Quarrying (IQ) has now introduced new reporting tools for members to quickly analyse their continuing professional development (CPD) activities.
Responding to feedback and analysis of industry best practice, IQ has undertaken a programme of software enhancements that enables members to view their CPD progress via a series of informative graphics.
Accessible via the IQ Connect App and member portal, members can now see and download reports that show how many CPD activities they have logged, and the time allocated to those activities. Easy visual triggers show where entries still need additional information recorded before they can be submitted, and a status bar shows how a member is progressing towards their current annual target.
The new CPD reporting tools easily show members how their activities are aligned to the different IQ Skills Wheel segments, which was launched by the IQ to help members develop skills and expertise in a range of areas to support their professional development. The Skills Wheel provides an overview of all the core skills and areas of knowledge that all employees in the mineral products industry should aim to be effective in beyond the basics of the job itself.
Sarah Fry, head of membership and marketing at IQ, explains: ‘The new graphs have been developed to help members clearly see where they are investing their learning in relation to the IQ Skills Wheel as well as how members are doing with regards to achieving the mandatory minimum requirement of 30h of CPD per year.
‘TMIQ, MIQ and FIQs each have the mandatory requirement to record 30h minimum to maintain their member grades, while other IQ grades are recommended to aim for 30h per year in total. We audit 10% of the IQ membership each year to both check this membership requirement is being met and to guide members on their CPD records. CPD is an important part of a member’s personal and professional development.
‘In an effort to increase transparency and data sharing with members, audited hours that have been accepted into a member’s CPD record have also been incorporated into the new set of reports.’
Members also have the power to analyse their historical CPD. They can choose which year to view their data or view their total number of hours submitted over several years. This really supports members in identifying skills and knowledge areas that they may want to develop in the future.
Sarah continues: ‘The whole experience of the pandemic and the subsequent return to work has had a significant impact on the way in which we support and communicate with our members. We have invested in our systems and processes so that members have better access to the information they need. We also understand that members need to access information in a way that is convenient to them so integrating our digital platforms means that we can provide a joined-up approach to all the activities we provide to members.
‘An example of this is where the CPD system links directly with the event-management system, which supports a simplified event booking process, and the automatic recording of activities.’
Members can view a full list of all events via the IQ Connect app or member portal and can easily register to attend using ‘one-click’ functionality. Clicking the ‘Register Now’ button on the events page is all a member needs to do to confirm their attendance. Those that register and attend IQ events will have their CPD record automatically updated with that activity. The only thing that is left for a member to do is to complete the ‘what was learned’ section and the CPD activity will be submitted.
Additional improvements include enhancements to the way the IQ welcomes new members. The traditional welcome process is now supplemented with a series of three introductory emails sent to the new member over the first three weeks of membership. The first email introduces members to the IQ team, the second provides more detail about recording CPD, while the third prompts new members to download the IQ Connect app. Each message is designed to explain how new members can get the best value from their membership experience, right from the start of their journey.
Sarah adds: ‘Over the last year IQ has enjoyed an exceptional 91.1% retention rate, despite the issues associated with furlough and COVID-19. We constantly review our processes to make sure that we are providing the highest levels of support for our members, and we are grateful that members value being part of the industry’s own professional membership body.
‘As well as continuing to provide members with access to ongoing learning and networking opportunities, when times are uncertain, there is also the additional benefit of having access to the IQ Benevolent Fund.’
Members can get the most from their IQ membership by downloading the IQ Connect app from Google Play or Apple stores.
Anyone looking for advice about their CPD can contact Debbie White, IQ’s membership officer, on 0115 972 9995; or via email at: Alternatively, visit:
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