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Accredited and Informal

The Institute of Quarrying takes CPD to the next level 

For approximately eight years the Institute of Quarrying (IQ) has been operating a very successful and respected CPD scheme for its members. With the quarrying sector’s commitment towards a fully competence assured industry, as well as the need for supervisors and managers to demonstrate their competence, this has raised a question regarding the need for a more formalized approach towards the way in which CPD is obtained and recorded. 

At present, the only guidance set by the Institute is the recommendation within the CPD guidelines that an individual should record a minimum of 30h per year. But the extent of this 30h recommendation is slightly ambiguous with regard to the quality of the learning experiences of that person, so a further step change has been adopted to make this more regulated, formalized and accredited. 

The differential between ‘Structured’ and ‘Informal’ CPD would not only be a benefit to the sector as a whole, but would also make a real contribution towards to achieving the 100% competent workforce commitment, vastly aided with the introduction of the PRIME project jointly run by MPQC and IQ under the MPA banner. 

The main difference between Structured and Informal CPD is that the Institute would accredit certain forms of training and learning activities with a formal stamp of approval (logo) that can be formally recorded as Structured CPD. The accreditation process would involve completion of an application form, which IQ staff would sign-off, and awarding of the use of the brand to the originator, along with approval to use the IQ logo on their learning materials. 

Members would continue, as in the past, to record other types of learning activities, eg on-the-job training, but in a more informal manner similar to the introduction of CPD provision for all levels of individuals within the industry.

Structured CPD would be introduced to the sector with a new and updated recommendation of completing set numbers of hours per year, dependant on job role (due to be introduced in the coming months). Examples of such activities might include:

  • accredited technical evenings at branch level
  • training units taken from the Derby Diploma programme via the e-learning system
  • accredited training packages provided by MPQC etc
  • QNJAC-approved guidance notes 
  • industry-approved training packages
  • in-house company training that has been through the accreditation of the Structured CPD brand.

Informal CPD would continue in its existing form by recording activities such as:

  • other technical evenings held at branch level
  • tool-box talks
  • the leaning of new skills during work activities 
  • in-house training packages etc.

The first set of accredited events will be available in the form of the EPC Seminars that will be held at five locations across the country, as well as the Lancashire branch Health & Safety Day. 

For more information on the accreditation process or the scheme itself, contact Mike Phillips on tel: (0115) 972 9995; or via the contact form below.


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