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Waste Recycling Group take second place

THE acquisition of 3C Waste and Yorkshire Environmental has made Waste Recycling Group the second-largest landfill company in Britain, behind the Shanks Group, according to industry research consultancy BDS Marketing & Research.

Waste Recycling Group is estimated to landfill slightly more waste than Biffa and SITA, and BDS estimate that the top four companies now landfill one third of all wastes disposed of in this way by waste-management companies.

The top 10 companies now represent an estimated 57% of the landfill market - compared with 48% when BDS last published the report a year ago - and further growth by the major companies is expected.


The total volumes of waste landfilled have fallen over the last 12 months, the most significant change being in demolition and construction waste, where volumes have fallen by over 20% as a result of the landfill tax.

BDS expect a longer-term decline in the landfill market when currently planned waste-to-energy schemes replace completed landfill sites. These are some of the conclusions of BDS Marketing's latest report entitled 'Estimates of waste volumes deposited at landfill sites'.


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