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The Planning Bill 2008

DUE to the popularity of their previous event, Aaron & Partners LLP will be re-holding The Planning Bill 2008 seminar at their offices in Pall Mall Court, 61–67 King Street, Manchester, from 4pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday 9 April 2008.

The Planning Bill, published in November 2007, heralds major changes in the planning system and covers a wide range of matters, including: the creation of a new system of development consent for nationally significant infrastructure projects; the creation of a new independent body called the Infrastructure Planning Commission, which will deal with applications for development consent where there is a national policy statement; the introduction of national policy statements, which will set the operational framework for the Commission; the simplification and streamlining of existing planning regimes; and the introduction of a new planning charge known as the community infrastructure levy.

Although the Bill is dominated by the new regime for major infrastructure projects, it is the changes to the existing planning system and the new levy that are likely to be of primary concern to those wishing to keep up to date with planning law and practice.


The free seminar will be presented by the specialist Planning Team at Aaron & Partners LLP, with leading guest speakers including Frances Patterson QC, planning barrister and head of Kings Chambers, and Gary Halman of the planning and environmental consultancy HOW Planning LLP.

Spaces at the seminar will be limited. To book, email Scott Hadden using the link below stating the number of places required, together with the names and positions of the delegates attending. Alternatively call Mr Hadden on tel: (01244) 405555.



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