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Terex Demag mobile crane for AB2000

GLASGOW-based independent plant hire firm AB 2000 Ltd have takendelivery of a brand new 120-tonne Terex Demag crane to complement theirexisting fleet of nine mobile cranes, which ranges from a specialized15-tonne Jones Iron Fairy low headroom crane to an 80-tonne 50m jibTerex mobile crane.

According to Brian Lang of Terex Demag, the new AC120-1extra-compact, five-axle mobile crane it is the only one of its kind inScotland and can travel carrying a total of 27 tonnes of ballast onboard, thereby reducing transport costs for the customer.

With its 60m live jib and an additional fly jib of 17m, AB 2000 saythis latest addition to their fleet demonstrates the company’scontinuing commitment to all sectors of the civil, mechanical,construction and extractive industries, and will allow them to providea wider, more comprehensive service their customers.


The company’s managing director, Adam Bruce, commented: ‘Thepurchase of the AC120-1 crane –– the largest in our current fleet ––will further complement our established contract lift and machineryinstallation business, allowing us to better serve our existingcustomers and expand into new areas.’

In addition to the new 120-tonne crane, AB2000 are awaiting deliveryof a new 100-tonne crane later this month as well as a 200-tonne TerexDemag crane later in the year.


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