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Tarmac go wild for chalk grassland

Butterfly Chalk grassland provides ideal conditions for a range of flora and fauna, especially butterflies

Company instrumental in restoring threatened chalk grassland for nature recovery at Ladds Farm

TARMAC together with partners Old Chalk New Downs, Kent Wildlife Trust, and the company’s tenant farmer have been instrumental in restoring threatened chalk grassland at Ladds Farm in Snodland, Kent.

Mainly found on limestone and chalk valleys where the soils are lime rich and nutrient poor, chalk grassland provides ideal conditions for a range of flora and fauna to flourish, including flowers, insects – especially butterflies, mammals and birds.


Chalk grassland often houses more than 40 plant species per square metre, which is double that of intensive grassland habitats, and has even been likened to tropical rainforest for the rich diversity of wildlife it holds.

Michael Charlton, Tarmac’s mineral estates manager, said: ‘We have been working in collaboration with Old Chalk New Downs, Kent Wildlife Trust, and our tenant farmer for 10 years to restore chalk grassland habitats at Ladds Farm.

‘During this period, we have cut back acres of scrub, reinstated historic fencing, and improved the connectivity of the farm to allow for more targeted and effective grazing across the escarpment.

‘In doing so, our flock of 70 Hebridean sheep maintain a mixed sward height encouraging wildflowers, insects and butterflies.’

Steve Weeks, area manager for Kent Wildlife Trust, said: ‘Kent Wildlife Trust has had a long association with Tarmac and it’s great to work with a large landowner who recognizes the value of the land for wildlife and actively works to improve it.

‘Ladds Farm is a very special place for many rare and unusual plants and animals, and the recent works have helped secure it for the future.’

Jenny Price, project manager with Old Chalk New Downs, said: ‘The Old Chalk New Downs project aims to improve habitats and connectivity along the Kent North Downs escarpment. It is wonderful to have Tarmac choosing to join our project, working in partnership with neighbouring landowners to protect our valuable natural resources.

‘This landscape-scale approach not only protects the biodiversity of Ladd’s Farm, but also contributes to improving the sustainability of the wider environment.’


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