Superior launch new solution for washing crusher fines

Alliance Low Water Washer processes crusher circuit dry feed into manufactured sand
SUPERIOR Industries Inc., US-based manufacturers and global suppliers of bulk material processing and handling systems, have launched a new solution within their line of washing and classifying machinery, which processes crusher fines directly adjacent to the crushing circuit.
Known as the Alliance Low Water Washer, the unit accepts a dry feed directly from the crushing circuit and processes the material into higher-value manufactured sand.
‘The equipment washes and process these fines and creates another source of income for the owner,’ said John Bennington, director of washing and classifying at Superior Industries.
‘Historically, all of the machinery used to wash crusher fines has been the same design as sand washing equipment. The Alliance Low Water Washer is designed specifically for washing crusher fines and uses 80% less water than the traditional screw/screen combination.’
The agitator section is positioned at the front end of the screen where water is added to the dry feed and mixed, producing a thick slurry. This slurry is then dumped on to a dewatering screen with a series of spray bars to help clean and wash out the fines.
The end result is a saleable manufactured sand with just 8% moisture content.
Superior manufacture Alliance Low Water Washer models for rates up to 300 tons/h (272 tonnes/h), although custom-designed machines can be built to produce higher rates if required.