Second-hand but not second-rate

New and used Bell equipment proves a reliable solution for AFS Earthmoving & Aggregates
MIDLANDS-based earthmoving specialists AFS Earthmoving & Aggregates have become one of the latest customers to discover that second-hand equipment from Bell Equipment need not be considered second-rate.
Such has been the performance and reliability of the company’s recent investment in a pre-owned and reconditioned Bell L2106E wheel loader and a Bell B30D articulated dumptruck, that it has now purchased its first brand new Bell machine, a B30E ADT.
AFS first turned to Bell with the purchase of the pre-owned loader, which has been working around the clock, shifting 3,500 tonnes of unprocessed sand and gravel on a daily basis, as part of a long-term contract recently awarded to the firm.
The task requires accuracy, strength and extended periods of engine running time, so accounting for these requirements, while also choosing to opt for a Bell-approved used loader, meant that Jason Allen, managing director of AFS, had to consider all factors carefully.
‘Bell presented an attractive option,’ he said. ‘Not only do I know the previous owner of the loader in question, but Bell Equipment’s UK site is only a few hundred metres away from where we’re currently fulfilling one of our quarry contracts, which meant the logistics for delivery after refurbishment were very straightforward.
‘Even so, Bell were new territory for us, as we hadn’t invested in one of their machines before,’ explained Mr Allen. ‘This is why we considered the pre-owned route as a sound way to get a feel for the quality of their loaders, as well as for the standard of service offered by the Bell customer-support team.’
Bell engineers fully reconditioned and refurbished the L2106E before delivering it to AFS in immaculate condition, something that particularly impressed Mr Allen. ‘The loader looks and performs as though it is brand new, but the real test of a machine is in its ability to deal with the workload,’ he said. ‘We are using it non-stop to shift a sizeable quantity of material on a daily basis, which is only achievable if the machine is up to scratch. To us, it’s testament to the quality and capability of Bell equipment that it performs as new.’
He continued: ‘Similarly, Bell lack nothing when it comes to customer and equipment service. Any issues we’ve had have been quickly and effectively resolved, and I’m impressed by Bell Equipment’s commitment to maintenance and spare parts.’
As a result, Mr Allen subsequently ordered a second pre-owned and reconditioned Bell, this time opting for an ADT to assist with moving the sand and gravel. It was the performance of this machine that gave AFS the confidence to order their first brand new Bell – a B30E, part of the ‘next-generation’ E-series that offers the latest in ADT technology.
Nick Learoyd, managing director of Bell Equipment UK, said: ‘The wheel loader was the first time that AFS had bought a machine from Bell. To make that first purchase one that’s pre-owned puts a little more pressure on the manufacturer, as it means we have to prove from the start that our vehicles are built to last, can withstand the pressures of extensive use, and will respond well to maintenance and service.
‘We all feel this has been achieved, and with the further purchase of two ADTs, one from our next-generation E-series range, we believe we have instilled AFS with the confidence that Bell equipment, no matter the model or age, really can perform and will provide years of service.’