Sandvik announce plans for former Fintec factory

SANDVIK Mining and Construction have announced that they are toestablish a global product development centre for screens and feeders,at the site of the former Fintec factory in Ballygawley, NorthernIreland.
By concentrating the development of screens and feeders, bothstationary and mobile, combined at a single location, the company saysit will be able to utilize the knowledge within this area better andalso increase the competence within the group.
Sandvik also hope to gain the economies of scale required to developthe next generation of screens and feeders, and say the announcementdemonstrates their commitment to the workforce and the localitysurrounding the factory.
According to the company, a principal reason for locating this vitalcomponent of Sandvik’s screening operations at the Ballygawleyfacility, is the concentration of highly skilled, and experienced, screens and feeder design engineers in this region.