Recycled roads workshops
BRE and TRL have been awarded a contract by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) to deliver a series of interactive workshops focused on increasing the specification, procurement and use of recycled and secondary aggregates in highway and street maintenance.
Recycled Roads: Building Knowledge, Engineering Confidence, will visit 10 regional venues starting in January 2005 and is aimed at local authority highway engineers, their consultants and contractors. Featuring presentations from experts, the workshops will aim to give delegates sufficient information and motivation to change existing practices with regards to aggregates in favour of recycled and secondary aggregates.
According to TRL, there are many opportunities to specify recycled materials in highway and street maintenance, and these can provide technical, environmental, social and economic benefits. A number of local authorities are already reaping such benefits and it is hoped to significantly increase this number by providing authoritative practical guidance and engineering confidence in recycling.
To register early interest in this event, email: