QPANI appeals for support for safety message

Industry calls on everyone of influence to relay important safety message following recent tragic deaths
FOLLOWING the recent tragic events at Paul’s Quarry, near Annalong, in Co. Down, the Quarry Products Association Northern Ireland (QPANI) has appealed for support in getting the important message out to young people, particularly teenagers, that quarries, whether they be old and disused or operational sites, are not fun places to play in and that by entering such sites they place both their own and their friends lives at risk.
QPANI regional director Gordon Best said: ‘Our deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of Kevin O’Hare and Colin Polland who died so tragically. This tragedy must be a reminder to us all about the dangers of deep, cold bodies of water that collect in old disused quarries, of which there are hundreds in Northern Ireland.
‘We are appealing to everyone of influence, including the media, to help us pass on this important message to young people: ‘Stay Safe...Stay Out’.
Mr Best continued: ‘QPANI dedicates a lot of time and resources every year to its ‘Stay Safe’ campaign…and our industry has worked extremely hard to deter trespassers by fencing off operational quarries, erecting warning signs and working with schools and youth groups to educate young people about the hazards.
‘However, many of the old quarries across Northern Ireland have been left unregulated and with easy access. There now needs to be collective action to make sure we do all we can do improve safety at these old sites.
‘We will be meeting with the Environment Minister, Alex Attwood, on 18 June to discuss how other agencies can support us in getting this very important message out to our young people. We will be calling for the setting up of a working group, led by Department of the Environment, of all relevant stakeholders, including local councils, school representatives, HSENI, PSNI and ourselves representing the quarry industry.
‘The purpose of this working group will be to ensure that every young person in Northern Ireland hears this important message, that steps are taken to identify ownership of old disused quarries and other isolated bodies of water, and that urgent steps are taken in line with the legislation to improve safety and reduce the risks at these sites.’