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Plant upgrade reaffirms Boral’s commitment to net zero

The Chlorine Bypass at Boral’s Berrima cement works is a key part of the upgraded facility The Chlorine Bypass at Boral’s Berrima cement works is a key part of the upgraded facility

Upgraded carbon-reducing technology at company’s Berrima cement works officially opened

BORAL Ltd have officially opened upgraded carbon-reducing technology at their Berrima cement works, signifying a significant step in the company’s move to net zero. The Hon Chris Bowen MP, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, was on site to officially open the upgraded facility on 4 December.

Located in the Southern Highlands region of New South Wales (NSW), Boral’s Berrima cement works is responsible for supplying 40% of cement in NSW and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The upgraded facility is a significant milestone in the company’s decarbonization efforts and transition from its reliance on emissions-intensive fuels.


A key part of its upgraded facility, the Chlorine Bypass (which reduces the build-up of chlorides and other alternative fuel by-products), will enable alternative fuel usage at the site to reach 60% over the next three years. To date, Boral have already achieved 30% coal substitution.

As part of Boral’s integrated operations in the NSW Southern Highlands, Berrima cement works is strategically significant for the company and to Australia’s manufacturing capability. It is also an important regional employer, with a workforce of around 115 people in operational and administrative roles, contributing to the approximately 350 people employed across integrated sites in the Southern Highlands.

The site also indirectly supports local jobs associated with logistics, contractors, and suppliers. To this end, it is one of the largest employers within the Wingecarribee Local Government Area.

L-R: Vik Bansal, chief executive officer of Boral, and the Hon Chris Bowen MP, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, cutting the ribbon at the official opening L-R: Vik Bansal, chief executive officer of Boral, and the Hon Chris Bowen MP, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, cutting the ribbon at the official opening

Speaking at the opening, Vik Bansal, chief executive officer of Boral, said: ‘From our Federal Highways to the Sydney Opera House and Parliament House in Canberra, for almost a century, the Berrima cement works has helped to build and shape Australia.

‘We all understand that though cement is vital to construction and building our nation, it is carbon intensive. Boral take their responsibility to decarbonize our operations and comply with the Safeguard Mechanism obligations seriously. The Chlorine Bypass facility reaffirms this commitment and moves our vital cement manufacturing infrastructure and Southern Highlands operations into a new era – one with less impact on the planet.

‘We thank both the Federal government and NSW government for their respective investment in this facility and remain committed to decarbonizing our operations, in line with our net-zero commitment.’


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