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New bpi.industrial product makes an impact

Following an investment of over a £¼ million, bpi.industrial, a specialist division of (British Polythene Industries) plc, who suppply packaging to the building, aggregate, chemical and other industries, have enhanced their capabilities and now offer pallet stretch hoods, printed on all four sides.

The company believe they are the only suppliers in the UK capable of producing them in sizes up to 1,950mm lay flat and in one continuous process. The benefit of being able to extrude, print and roll such large hoods in a single step is the reduction of film creasing issues and the elimination of weak points such as welded joins between different pieces of film.

The company’s new infrastructure is also being supported by the capabilities of Promopack - another BPI business and a specialist provider of repro, design and printing plates to the flexographic printing industry.

Roy McAdoo, commercial director at bpi.industrial, commented: ‘The new hoods are already being employed by some major manufacturers of items like bricks and pavers and their feedback has been highly favourable. The hoods are particularly effective in getting a brand seen when used in conjunction with products that are transported on flat-bed vehicles or stored in yards.’


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