New Bell B40D ADT for TS Rees

Independent quarrying company strengthens 15-year relationship with Bell Equipment
CONTINUING to invest in their load and haul operations, South Wales-based independent quarrying company TS Rees have purchased a new Bell Equipment B40D articulated dumptruck (ADT) to expand their existing fleet.
Purpose-designed to handle arduous quarrying conditions, the B40D with its modern, high-performance and fuel-efficient diesel engine proved the best fit for the company, as Sam Rees, managing director of TS Rees, explained: ‘All of our machines are used in extremely demanding quarry environments and, as such, need to be able to withstand these testing conditions whilst remaining reliable and preventing costly downtime.
‘The B40D matched – and has subsequently exceeded – these expectations and our previous experience of dealing with Bell Equipment made the decision to buy again easy.’
TS Rees are one of Bell Equipment’s long-standing customers, with the new B40D joining the company’s existing fleet which also includes two original Bell B30Cs. These two machines, which were purchased more than 15 years ago, are still performing light duties for the company.
‘The two B30Cs still being worked by TS Rees are testament to the quality of the design and engineering of the machines. It is fantastic to hear that they are still going strong and providing a useful and dependable service,’ commented Richard Higgott, sales and marketing manager with Bell Equipment.
‘However, Bell ADTs have evolved in terms of performance and efficiency, and we’re confident TS Rees will both see and experience the difference with their new B40D,’ he added.