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NDTG passes skid-steer test

NDTG passes skid-steer test


National Demolition Training Group oversees first CPCS skid-steer loader test for the demolition industry

THE National Demolition Training Group (NDTG), the dedicated training arm of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors, has achieved a notable first by hosting the UK’s first demolition-specific CPCS skid-steer loader test.


The first test coincides with the switch in training course designations from the previous A65 to the new D90 suite of competence cards. Key among these is the D92, Demolition Skid-Steer in a Demolition Environment.

The inaugural test took place at the Kettering Science Academy, a live Wilmott Dixon site with machines provided by AR Demolition.

‘On this kind of demolition test, we are looking for a different skill set to that of any other industry or sector. Candidates must be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the demolition environment and have a minimum of two years industry experience,’ said NDTG assessor Duncan Rudall.

‘Operatives have to take a touch-screen test first, undergo an hour-long theory test, and then it’s on to the machine starting with a pre-start check of the machine and its surroundings. The test also includes driving the machine across a site, negotiating a variety of obstacles, and carrying out a range of demolition activities.’

The first candidates to take the test were Richard Childs and David Smith of AR Demolition. Each successfully completed the test and will now carry a red CPCS D92 Demolition Skid-Steer in a Demolition Environment card that is valid for a period of two years.

‘The new test has been designed by demolition industry professionals to accurately mirror the very specific demands placed upon skid-steer operators in this sector,’ said NDTG training group manager Sophie Cox. ‘The way in which these machines are operated in demolition is unique to this industry and this new test reflects this.

‘Skid-steer loaders are used throughout the UK demolition industry to carry out a variety of tasks from top-down demolition and internal strip-out to rehandling and materials segregation.   Our new test ensures that operators are prepared to meet these many and varied challenges.’


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