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NAM best-practice demonstration events

Nature After Minerals launches restoration demonstration events programme under RESTORE

AS part of its commitment under the RESTORE project’s objective to showcase best practice in minerals restoration and aftercare, Nature After Minerals (NAM) has unveiled a new programme of demonstration events for 2014.

Thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVB NWE programme, the eight events on offer this year will be delivered free-of-charge to all stakeholders with an interest in minerals site restoration, with spaces offered on a first-come, first-served basis.


Full details of the programme are now available on the RESTORE and NAM websites, together with a booking form. The first event will be held in North Yorkshire in mid-June, with the programme finishing with a two-day event in Maastricht, in early October.

Topics covered across the programme will be wide-ranging, with presentations from a variety of guest speakers and experienced land-management advisers. Each event will include an indoor session and site visit.

NAM says this new programme will also afford delegates an opportunity to engage with stakeholders within north-west Europe, providing a forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and experience in the field of minerals restoration for people and biodiversity, on both sides of the Channel.

Marking the start of the schedule, NAM’s programme manager, Carolyn Jewell, commented: ‘With these events, we are looking forward to shining a light and learning from the good work being undertaken to help deliver against national and international biodiversity targets and provide a resource for local communities.

‘We are grateful to all parties involved with the various event sites for their co-operation and assistance with the compilation of this programme.’

To book a place on any event, complete the online booking form on the NAM or RESTORE websites, or contact NAM’s events and communications officer at:; or tel: (01767) 693588.


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