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MSPs visit Tarmac’s Dunbar cement plant

L-R: Martin Whitfield MSP, Dunbar plant manager Craig Kirkland and Daniel Johnson MSP L-R: Martin Whitfield MSP, Dunbar plant manager Craig Kirkland and Daniel Johnson MSP

Scotland’s only cement works hosts visit by Martin Whitfield MSP and Daniel Johnson MSP

TARMAC recently welcomed Martin Whitfield MSP and Daniel Johnson MSP, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Business and Fair Work, to their Dunbar cement plant.

The MSPs were provided with a tour of the site where they learnt how the plant has been modernized over the last few years, incorporating the latest technology to deliver several new benefits.


These include the installation of a new state-of-the-art cement mill to help deliver a major improvement in energy efficiency at the plant, and the expansion of its rail operations to support the company’s commitment to transporting as much product as possible on the rail network.

During the visit Mr Whitfield also offered his support with Tarmac’s community outreach activities with local schools, colleges, and community groups.

Commenting on the visit, Martin Whitfield MSP said: ‘As the only cement manufacturing facility in Scotland, the Dunbar plant is of critical importance to the Scottish economy and industry. It is also an important provider of highly skilled jobs and apprenticeships for local people.

‘I welcomed this opportunity to catch up on some of the latest developments at the plant, including the significant modernizations that have been made since my last visit. Tarmac also undertake important outreach work with the local community, and I am keen to support them with this activity, particularly in relation to education and training.’

Craig Kirkland, plant manager at Dunbar, added: ‘It was a pleasure to welcome Martin Whitfield and Daniel Johnson to Tarmac’s Dunbar plant. It is really important that industry and policy makers work together to ensure that domestic cement manufacturing remains competitive and continues to make a positive contribution to the local and national economy in Scotland.

‘Martin and Daniel showed a keen interest in all aspects of our work at Dunbar, and I look forward to working with them in the future.’



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