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MPA conferences and seminars

Information on forthcoming mineral planning, ferrocement and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) events

THE Mineral Products Association (MPA) has announced three forthcoming events, all of which are open to members and non-members.

On Tuesday 29 April 2014, a short seminar entitled ‘Innovating with Ferrocement’ will take place at The Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT. Ferrocement is a thin, compound material that can be easily curved for multiple relatively lightweight applications. This seminar, which qualifies as 1.5h CPD, will introduce ferrocement technology and discuss the benefits its use can bring to a project. Places can be booked online at:

On Thursday 22 May 2014, the MPA/RTPI Mineral Planning Conference will take place at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham. This major annual conference, organized jointly by the MPA and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), is aimed at all those who want and need to know about all the key topics relating to mineral planning. To book places at this event email: [email protected]

On Tuesday and Wednesday 24–25 June 2014, the Hilton Northampton Hotel, in Northampton, will be the venue for the SuDSsource Conference on the design, delivery and management of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). Spanning two days, the conference is aimed at local authorities and design professionals, and qualifies as 7h CPD. It will review the latest guidance, provide technical briefings and explain practical developments that influence the design, delivery and management of SuDS. At this event an ‘early-bird’ rate is available for bookings made before 31 March 2014. Places can be booked online at:


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