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More drive, less maintenance

MHP have teamed up with Micke Bruehmann GmbH to add a new porous ceramic pulley lagging to their existing range.

Porous ceramic performs better than other pulley laggings in wet conditions and can achieve high levels of drive. The granular composition of the sinterfused-bonded ceramic particles (MHP Ceralite) allows the material to maintain its grip far longer over the entire 10mm block thickness than patterned/ dimpled ceramic tiles or rubber.

The ceramic particles in MHP Ceralite are held in an organic binder or, in the latest version, MHP Ceragrip, in an inorganic high-temperature fused binder. The result is a far harder, stronger and more hard-wearing product. It is said to give better performance in terms of both drive and life and can be fitted to existing systems to solve long-standing problems relating to drive or maintenance matters.


An additional benefit is that porous ceramic lagging eliminates waste because it is fitted in transverse strips using an enhanced cold-bonding technique. Pulleys can be fitted or refurbished on site, although MHP prefer to carry out the work in their temperature- and humidity-controlled workshop after heavy shot blasting.


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