More Bell machines for Chepstow Plant International

Fleetm@tic results and extensive safety features instil ‘solid trust in Bell Equipment’
CHEPSTOW Plant International have taken delivery of a further 13 Bell articulated dumptrucks (ADTs) – nine B30Es, two B35Ds and two B40Ds. The decision to strengthen their earthmoving fleet with new Bell machines was based on Chepstow Plant developing a ‘solid trust’ in the South African manufacturer’s equipment.
Good after-sales service, quality products and, most importantly, the extensive safety features of the ADTs were all key contributing factors to Chepstow Plant investing in more Bell products.
‘Safety is the number one priority in our industry and protecting our employees is of paramount importance to us,’ said John Corcoran, managing director of Chepstow Plant International. ‘We purchased our first Bell ADT back in 2000 because of the safety features it provided. Sixteen years later, we’re still placing our confidence in Bell machines, which continue to be safe, secure and reliable.’
Adding to the machines’ appeal is Bell’s Fleetm@tic technology – installed in both new and existing models being used by Chepstow Plant. According to Bell Equipment, the on-board fleet-management system has been highly successful in providing the Chepstow Plant operational team with automated reports, alerts, production data and pole-to-pole satellite coverage; allowing Chepstow’s CI (continuous improvements) department to manage construction equipment with greater control and efficiency.
‘Fleetm@tic provides us with an effective tool which, when used continuously, can help deliver the lowest cost per tonne, maximizing returns on investment for ourselves and clients,’ commented Mr Corcoran.
‘The latest B30Es we’ve invested in present us with an opportunity to give our customers even more in terms of reliability, productivity and results. It’s a high performance model, that’s both hardworking and fuel-efficient, and has already become renowned for its ability to get the job done.’
Richard Higgott, sales and marketing manager for Bell Equipment, said he was delighted to that Mr Corcoran and his operational team had had such a positive experience with the ADTs and, through experience of the machines’ capabilities, had chosen to invest in multiple new units.
‘Our machines sell themselves in terms of what they can achieve and it’s great to learn that companies such as Chepstow Plant are building their businesses with the help of results delivered by our ADTs,’ he explained.
‘Our commitment to continually developing our vehicles, so they evolve with the times and remain strong fleet contenders, has become part of our businesses ethos; giving us the confidence to know we’re supplying customers with exceptional equipment that’s been designed to deliver, now and long into the future.’