Maasvlakte landfill site extension approved

Renewi secure long-term extension for its specialist ‘class 1’ landfill site in the Netherlands
RENEWI, one of the world’s leading waste-management operators, have signed a long-term extension at their Maasvlakte landfill site in Holland, which will secure the future of this key necessary outlet for the next 20 years.
The site – which is being operated by the company’s Mineralz subsidiary (part of its Monostreams division) – is said to be unique as it is the only dedicated ‘class 1’ landfill in the Netherlands for the disposal of hazardous materials.
It offers safe and unique immobilisation and storage for materials, such as fly ash and low-level NORM (naturally occurring radioactive materials) waste. This means that the landfill site treats and safely disposes of materials that other outlets cannot, therefore making it an essential partner to the energy-from-waste industry and other related sectors. The site currently holds 4.5 million cubic metres of specialist waste.
Bas Blom, managing director of Renewi’s Monostreams division, said: ‘We treat highly hazardous end-of-life materials that cannot be recycled to ensure they are disposed of in a safe manner.
‘We are delighted to have secured this extension and be able to continue this important work over the next 20 years. In addition to providing a necessary outlet for these end-of-life materials, the extension will preserve ongoing profitability within the Monostreams division for the long term while postponing landfill aftercare costs at the site.’