Local MP visits Llanwern concrete plant

Jessica Morden MP builds construction knowledge with visit to Tarmac ready-mixed concrete plant
JESSICA Morden, MP for Newport East, recently took time out of her busy constituency day to visit Tarmac’s Llanwern ready-mixed concrete plant.
She was welcomed on site by production manager Tom Preston, who oversees the day-to-day running of the plant. He explained how Llanwern had supplied concrete to local iconic projects such as the new Friars Walk shopping centre, in Newport, and the National Convention Centre at Celtic Manor.
He also explained that all too often basic but essential materials, such as concrete, can go unseen. Despite being among the most consumed man-made substances, concrete’s multiple uses can remain unnoticed – with operations such as the plant at Llanwern providing a crucial local service.
Jessica Morden’s visit provided an opportunity for her to explore local cement production and discuss how UK cement and concrete industries can decarbonize by 2050, while remaining competitive in an international market.
She commented: ‘It was an eye-opener for me to see such an important but almost unseen, local industrial facility in my constituency. The challenges faced by Tarmac Llanwern and the broader UK cement and concrete sectors are familiar to me from my work in Westminster around the steel industry.
‘I want to make sure that going forward we have a strong cement and concrete industry in Wales supplying essential materials from local sources. I look forward to working with colleagues at Tarmac to make sure their concerns are heard at the right levels in government.’