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Lafarge Tarmac and Skanska UK host SCSS open day

Supply Chain Sustainability School

Event focuses on collaborative working in infrastructure procurement and sustainability  

LAFARGE Tarmac and Skanska UK recently jointly hosted an open day in Birmingham for the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) for infrastructure, which looks to share combined experience, nurture sustainable supply chain relationships and drive innovative and collaborative working.

Attended by more than 120 suppliers from across the country, delegates came away from the event with a clearer understanding of the benefits and opportunities that can result from closer and earlier alignment of sustainability strategies, best practice, and activities between contractors and clients.


Andy Swain, sustainability manager at Lafarge Tarmac, participated in a question and answer panel alongside other industry representatives. He commented: ‘The Supply Chain Sustainability School for infrastructure is an important initiative because it provides the perfect platform for a more collaborative approach.

‘The challenges of meeting the Government’s 2025 targets and infrastructure ambitions will require all businesses to work in a different way with their supply chains. The SCSS supports our belief that closer collaboration and sharing ideas will not only help us to achieve these government targets, but will also create a more sustainable built environment, whilst encouraging innovation and continuous improvement.’

The day focused on key topics centred around procurement and sustainability, including an SSCS partners Q&A panel and a case study from Lafarge Tarmac and Skanska on innovation in collaboration on a project to use 3D concrete printing for construction.

The SCSS aims to develop greater competence in sustainability across construction and infrastructure by supporting the development of a supply chain capable of meeting the sustainability aspirations of main contractors and clients. Since its launch in 2012, it has gained 7,000 members and works alongside 17 of the UK’s leading main contractors to provide a range of online learning resources and networking opportunities.


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