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Jobs under threat in Metso Outotec restructuring

Metso Outotec

Up to 280 jobs in Finland likely to go as part of organizational restructuring at newly merged company

METSO Outotec have commenced negotiations with employees relating to an organizational restructuring in Finland which could result in the loss of up to 280 jobs.

The restructuring, which follows the merger of Metso’s Minerals business and Outotec on 1 July 2020, aims to create an organizational model that corresponds to the new Metso Outotec company structure and strategy.


Metso Outotec say the target is to create an organizational model that supports efficient business operations, responds to customer needs, reduces overlaps of the two previous organizations and meets set synergy targets.

The majority of the company’s 2,400 employees in Finland are said to fall within the scope of the negotiations, although personnel in Metso Minerals’ Aggregates business are not thought to be affected.

The impact of the restructuring on different employee groups is expected to be determined in September 2020, with similar negotiation processes planned in other countries where Metso Outotec operate.

Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Metso Outotec currently employ more than 15,000 staff in more than 50 countries.


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