IQ launches UK National Minerals Week

New opportunity to raise public awareness of the industry’s contribution to the built and natural environment
THE aggregates and extractives sector is celebrating all things stone with the launch of the first official UK National Minerals Week by The Institute of Quarrying (IQ).
National Minerals Week, which will run from 17–23 October 2016, is an opportunity to raise awareness of the critical role that the mineral extraction sector fulfils in shaping society – from roads and construction to pharmaceuticals and agriculture.
Sarah Fry, the IQ’s business development and communications manager, explained: ‘Minerals are all around us in our everyday lives. Without them life would be very different. They’re used in mobile phones, computers, cars, aircraft, bicycles, roads, buildings, bridges; in fact they touch people’s lives in ways that most people will be totally unaware of.
‘We’ve launched National Minerals Week to help draw public attention to the contribution the industry makes to our built and natural environment, and to move us out of the shadows and into the light. Here in the UK we are setting global standards in safety and operational best practice, as well as professional and skills development.
‘The work the industry as a whole does to protect and enhance the environment is recognized in this year’s ‘State of Nature 2016 Report’. Minerals extraction and restoration is identified as one of the few positive factors in helping to counter species decline through priority habitat creation.
‘We can be accused of going quietly about our daily jobs delivering the building blocks of modern society. But everyone in our industry should be proud of what they do because without us our world would be a very different place.’
The IQ will be running a social media campaign throughout National Minerals Week, using the hashtag #mineralsrock.
‘We’d love it for quarry operators large and small, as well as industry bodies, individuals and press to get on board with this on social media,’ said Sarah Fry.
‘We’ve teamed up with the British Geological Survey to share interesting facts and figures about minerals and to lift the lid on some of the more unusual uses, so watch this space and you could find out things you didn’t know about common and rare minerals.’