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Godwin Pumps and SLD Prepare for Hillhead 2010

Godwin Pumps, worldwide manufacturer and supplier of the Dri-Prime automatic self-priming pump, SLD Pumps and Power, Godwin's exclusive distributor in the United Kingdom for diesel Dri-Prime pumps, are preparing to share Stand M16 at Hillhead 2010 in Hillhead Quarry from 22-24 June.

Celebrating 40 years of production of its Dri-Prime fully automatic priming pump line, Godwin Pumps looks to debut the newest addition to the Dri-Prime range, the model HL260M pump. Capable of flow rates to 1,081m3/h (4,760GPM) and heads to 150m (500ft), the 250mm x 200mm (10in x 8in) HL260M is asingle-stage, automatic priming centrifugal pump with solids handling capabilityto 50mm (2in) in diameter.

"The single-stage impeller design,close coupling, solids handling capability and Dri-Prime priming system combine to provide a very unique offeringfor portable pumps generating discharge heads to 150metres (500ft)," saidGodwin president, John M. Paz. "The industry is trending towards larger pumpsand our engineering team is dedicated to developing the most reliable range ofhigh lift pumps on the market."


Godwin Pumps will also celebratethe 40th Anniversary of the Dri-Primepump. What began as a simplistic venturi air priming system - popular becauseit had no moving parts and required very little maintenance - has remained atthe forefront of the pumping industry through engineering expertise andmarket-leading performance.

"Over the past 25 years, more than20 models were introduced. Our development team is constantly embracingtechnology and engineering larger volume and higher head pumps," said GodwinPumps President, John M. Paz. "Certainly, we have led the market in thisregard."

Godwin's dominance in the worldwideportable pump rental market is also due in part to its 40-year relationshipwith SLD Pumps and Power.

In 1968, the first Dri-Prime prototype was created by Godwin'sUK-based development team. Over the next two years, the development teamengineered the pump for production, and in 1970 the first DPC6 and MC3Dri-Prime pumps rolled off the assembly line and were sold to SLD. In 1975, SLDobtained the exclusive distribution rights to sell & rent Dri-Prime pumpsin the UK.

"With over fifty years' experiencesupplying the quarry and mining industries we have the ability to providerental and sales solutions for all pumping requirements whether large or small.Our services are backed up and supported by our unrivalled national depotnetwork," said SLD's International Sales and Marketing Director, FlorianRodrigues. "We provide instant solutions for pumping and power generationrequirements. All of these skills and expertise are available genuinelyin-house and from one supplier."

In addition to the Godwin Pumps itoffers for sale and hire, SLD will feature its 80 kW SDMO R110-C2 generator, and the 7.2kW SDMO R10C Power Box on Stand M16 at Hillhead.


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