GCCA committed to carbon-neutral concrete by 2050

Major global cement and concrete firms unveil ‘2050 Climate Ambition’ to tackle climate change
THE Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has today (1 September) announced its ‘2050 Climate Ambition’ – aimed at tackling climate change and achieving a carbon neutral future.
The ambition statement marks a critical milestone for the sector, as it is the first time it has come together globally to deliver an initiative for a ‘carbon neutral future’. The joint industry pledge demonstrates the commitment of 40 of the world’s leading cement and concrete companies to drive down the carbon footprint of the world’s most widely used construction material.
The GCCA Climate Ambition statement identifies the essential levers that will be required to achieving carbon neutral concrete, including: reducing and eliminating energy related emissions; reducing process emissions through new technologies and deployment of carbon capture; more efficient use of concrete, reuse and recycling of concrete and buildings; and harnessing concrete’s ability to absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere.
Dinah McLeod, chief executive of the GCCA, said: ‘As we face the challenges for future generations and begin global economic recovery, concrete will be even more critical to building the sustainable world of tomorrow. That’s why we are making this commitment today, in order that our crucial industry aligns with global targets, including the Paris Agreement.
‘Concrete has a vital role to play in addressing the need for sustainable communities and prosperity. It is a key ingredient of infrastructure, homes, clean water and community resilience as our climate changes. Crucially, it will also help facilitate the transition to clean/green energy.’
Albert Manifold, chief executive of CRH plc and president of the GCCA, added: ‘The 2050 Climate Ambition represents our industry’s commitment to further reducing emissions and ensuring that the vital product we provide can be delivered on a carbon neutral basis by 2050. There is a significant challenge involved in doing so and achieving alignment across our industry on a sustainable way forward is an important first step.
‘We cannot, however, succeed alone and in launching our ambition statement – we are also highlighting the need for our industry to work collaboratively with other stakeholders in support of our ambition for a more sustainable future.’
GCCA member companies are currently developing a 2050 concrete roadmap that will set out the detailed actions and milestones the industry will enact in order to achieve its ambition. The concrete roadmap will be published in the second half of 2021. To find out more visit: gccassociation.org/climate-ambition/