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Changes to HSE contact arrangements

Health and Safety Executive makes website easier to use and guidance simpler to interpret

THE Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has changed its contact arrangements to better direct those wishing to report an incident, notify workplace concerns or seek interpretation of guidance.

Following the decision to close Infoline in 2011, the HSE no longer offers a telephone service for general information enquiries but has invested in making its website easier to use and its guidance simpler.


Visitors to will be directed one of four options:

  • Report an injury at work (RIDDOR incident)
  • Notify HSE of a workplace concern
  • Make gas safety enquiries and notifications
  • Obtain technical advice or interpretation of guidance.

The HSE is urging business and the public to use the website in the first instance, either to find information or notify the HSE. New forms have been introduced so enquiries can be submitted quickly and easily online.

A small team will be available in office hours to deal with calls from those who are unable to use the website or require further technical clarification.


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