CEMEX introduce CEMEX ONPOINT mortar

New durable pointing mortar injects colour into off-site construction and urban building design
CEMEX have introduced CEMEX ONPOINT, a new range of durable, coloured cement mortars, specially designed for the off-site and urban architectural specification markets.
Developed to complement and enhance the design and aesthetics of any architectural or urban scheme, CEMEX ONPOINT is a factory-produced mortar available in more than 35 consistent colour palette options, effectively complementing a wide range of masonry products and existing mortar. Guaranteed to not fade and providing high levels of resistance in extreme exposure, the mortar is suitable for multi-use applications.
According to CEMEX, this new product is well suited to off-site and precast panel construction for commercial development, modular housing, and residential high rise, as well as for restoration and retrofit projects.
The high-performance mortar is formulated for gun-injection application, providing an additional sustainability benefit by reducing waste and labour costs. It allows quick and efficient pointing of brick inlay systems and brick slip panels and is equally effective for matching and repointing existing brickwork.
Mike May, sales manager for Mortars Europe, commented: ‘We’re continuously looking at how we can enhance the performance, durability, and consistency of our mortars to meet market demand. The off-site market is booming, but precast manufacturers and architectural specifiers are limited in their choice of mortars.
‘The arrival of CEMEX ONPOINT now enables precast manufacturers and specialist designers the ability to dramatically enhance aesthetics and increase the kerb appeal of their buildings via quick and easy gun-injection application, which also cuts down on wasted material.
‘Our wide range of colours also make CEMEX ONPOINT the ideal mortar to support sustainable retrofit and restoration. On heritage projects, we can now accurately colour-match existing mortars for repointing and maintenance work. Our existing buildings account for more than 35% of the world’s energy consumption, so solutions like this can significantly contribute to a more efficient built environment and a better future for all.’
CEMEX say all their mortars comply with the requirements of BS EN 998-2 and the complete range of masonry mortars have been verified against a prescribed range of initial type tests such as durability, bond strength, fire protection, and strength criteria.