Busy times ahead for highways maintenance contractors

New report details more than 300 highways maintenance contracts currently in place at local authorities
DURING 2015, local authorities are going to award more than 80 term maintenance contracts for highways maintenance. As well as road surfacing, many of the contracts also involve street lighting, bridge maintenance and other services.
This compares with just 65 highways maintenance contracts awarded in 2014.
This is one of the conclusions of a new BDS Marketing report that details more than 300 highways maintenance contracts currently in place at local authorities throughout Great Britain.
As well as the name of the local authority and current contractor, the report includes details of the length of contract and work involved under the contract. All contracts due for re-negotiation shortly are also highlighted.
‘The contracts up for renewal during 2015 are valued at nearly £300 million, so this is a busy time for contractors in highway maintenance,’ said Andy Sales, author of the report.
‘In addition, there are five Highways England contracts to be awarded in 2015, valued at nearly £250 million. This compares with no contracts awarded at all last year.’
For further details of the BDS report, entitled ‘Term contracts for highways maintenance’, contact: andy.sales@bdsmarketing.co.uk