Budget response: CPA calls for spades in the ground

List of infrastructure projects given the green light is encouraging but delivery is key
FOLLOWING yesterday’s Budget announcement, Dr Diana Montgomery, chief executive of the Construction Products Association, said the Chancellor had rightfully recognized the value of infrastructure investment, both for the present and future generations’ benefit.
‘Government support for the National Infrastructure Commission is encouraging and the list of projects given the green light, such as HS3, Crossrail 2 and numerous other schemes across the country, will please everyone in the construction supply chain,’ she said.
‘Still, we are very mindful that announcements are one thing but spades in the ground are another thing altogether. We therefore welcome the announcement of a National Infrastructure Delivery Plan which we hope will provide clear, short-term delivery details for major projects and give manufacturers and builders the confidence they need to invest in skills and manufacturing capacity.’
Aside from that promised pipeline of work, Dr Montgomery (pictured) said there was little else of note in the Budget for either construction product manufacturers or the construction industry.
‘The £750 million in spending on flood defences belatedly begins to make up for the cuts imposed during the previous Government and is welcome news to those who have always been keen to offer sustainable, innovative solutions,’ she said.
‘In addition, the freeze on fuel duty will certainly be appreciated by our members distributing construction products up and down the UK.’
She added that the Government’s ongoing commitment to the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ would benefit both the regeneration of the region and the many manufacturers who are major employers in the area.
However, given the constraints the Government is facing from global headwinds and the cocktail of risks, Dr Montgomery said the Construction Products Association had always been realistic in its expectations about this Budget.
‘Our main focus continues to be on ensuring that government works with industry to create clear, consistent policies with long-term roadmaps for delivery,’ she said. ‘Ultimately, this will be key to encouraging investment, innovation and growth.’