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Brett Aggregates go into SuperDrive

Brett Aggregates have ordered five SuperDrive units from Canning Conveyor for retro-fits on existing ground and stockpile conveyors at Lydd Quarry.

The order covers four 37kW and one 22kW SuperDrive motorized drums with the first one having already been fitted to an existing 750mm wide x 300m long conventional jib-head ground conveyor. Currently handling 200–250 tonnes/h of aggregates, the new SuperDrive unit will increase production up to 250–300 tonnes/h while using less power.

Joe Munds, site foreman, commented: ‘We stripped out the old conventional drive, motor, wormbox and drum on Friday afternoon and fitted the new 37kW SuperDrive on Saturday. It was fitted by lunchtime and took just over 3h with just some minor alterations to existing guards. We used the same drum hole fittings as the existing conventional drum and it went straight in with no trouble producing a very tidy looking, completed job.’

Two 37kW SuperDrive units will be used to retro-fit one conventional double-drum jib-head drive, while the two remaining units will be used to retro-fit a single jib-head unit and replace a conventional motor/wormbox drive at the head of the stockpile conveyor.

Canning Conveyor Co. Ltd, Sandy Lane Industrial Estate, Sandy Lane, Worksop, Notts S80 1TN; tel: (01909) 486166; fax: (01909) 500638.


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