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Bell used-machine sales hit record high

BELL UK have returned record sales figures for used equipment in 2010 and achieved better residual values, on average, than ever before.

The company’s articulated dumptruck (ADT) used-equipment sales between January and October this year were almost three times the company’s budgeted figure for the whole of 2010 and represent an improvement of more than 50% on Bell’s previous record year in 2007.

Bob Aldridge, Bell’s used-equipment sales manager, said: ‘Despite the general economic climate, 2010 has proved to be our best year ever for used-equipment sales, and we’ve also seen record residual values.

‘Our used-equipment strategy is definitely working for us and the customers who own our machines. We have dedicated strong focus on driving increased resale and residual values for Bell ADTs in the market, and the used-equipment sales success being achieved is a direct result of the focus and effort placed on adding value for our customers.’

While this year may be exceptional with regard to used sales, Bell say they expect to see increased market share.

‘We are perhaps still seeing the market’s lack of confidence, where many operators have shied away from purchasing new machines,’ said Mr Aldridge. ‘I think the situation may carry through to next year in terms of good used-equipment sales, but eventually it will balance out again.’


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