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Bell ADTs in Lancashire

LEM Resources have been extracting coal at Crook Hey OCCS near Garswood, Lancashire, since 1998. At that time there were reserves of 100,000 tonnes of coal but the site currently has two years life left. Extraction is taking place at a depth of 45m at a rate of 4,000 tonnes a month, with the bulk of the coal being sold to the main power generators and a small amount being used for domestic consumption.

Following the purchase of two Bell B40C 6x6 articulated dumptrucks in 1998, the company decided to purchase a B25C last year. The machines have done in excess of 2,200h and LEM Resources say that during that time they have proved to be reliable and cost-efficient haulage units capable of producing quick cycle times. The machines are used for the haulage of coal and overburden in the mine. The overburden is hauled over distances of between 200m and 600m and the coal is hauled over distances of 300m to 400m. The trucks have also successfully contended with some challenging gradients and heavy underfoot conditions. With a utilization rate of around 95%, the dumptrucks have provided a mechanical availability of around 98%.





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