Barry Wood take new Bell wheel loaders on board

Plant hire firm takes delivery of its first two production-class wheel loaders from Bell Equipment
BARRY Wood Plant Hire, the Derbyshire-based plant hire and contracting firm, have taken delivery of two new production-class L2606E wheel loaders from Bell Equipment. It is the first time that the company has bought Bell loaders since they were launched in the UK more than two years ago.
The two new machines join four Bell articulated dumptrucks among Barry Wood’s 100-strong fleet of heavy plant equipment.
Commenting on the purchase, John Hattersley, managing director of Barry Wood Plant Hire, said: ‘We’ve known Bell for a long time and have been very impressed with their ADTs. I’d wanted to give the loaders a try for a while, though it’s always a risk trying something new.
‘However, when we had one on demo, we were extremely pleased with the machine and its performance. We loved the product and it was given the thumbs up from our drivers, which gave us the confidence to go ahead and purchase.
Mr Hattersley said the Bell loaders were, financially, very attractive machines for his company and stood up well against anything else on the market.
‘It’s early days, but we’ve so far had nothing but positive feedback from both our customers and our operators,’ he said.
Neville Paynter, managing director of Bell Equipment UK, added: ‘We’ve always had absolute confidence that our loaders are among the best in the world…and we’re delighted that Barry Wood Plant Hire has given us the chance to prove our claims.’