Aylsham Plant Hire extend use of Bell ADTs

Company purchases new Bell B25E articulated dumptruck to run alongside two B25Ds
RELIABILITY and service were crucial factors in the decision by Norfolk-based Aylsham Plant Hire to purchase a new B25E articulated dumptruck (ADT) from Bell Equipment.
The latest machine represents the third Bell ADT in Aylsham’s fleet; the company already runs two Bell B25Ds which were bought in 2004.
Aylsham said the growing confidence in UK construction and resulting increase in plant hire orders, led them to extend their fleet with another Bell machine.
Moreover, with the increase in construction projects in the region, muck-shifting requirements have risen too.
For Mark Daniels, a director of Aylsham Plant Hire, having reliable dumptrucks is an essential part of the company’s offering. ‘Our Bell 25Ds have been reliable, so it made sense to stick to a manufacturer who can offer this reliability and excellent customer service,’ he said.
Since the original purchase of the B25Ds, Bell Equipment have launched their E-series ‘next-generation’ ADT. Regarded as an evolution of the D-series equivalent, the new B25E provides Aylsham with a range of improvements designed to increased production payloads, reduced daily operating costs, superior ride quality and uncompromising safety standards.
Nonetheless, the B25E is said to still retain the key virtues of its predecessor, notably unrivalled fuel efficiency together with the lowest cost per tonne on the market.
‘It is the similarities as much as the differences that define our latest Bell machine,’ confirmed Mr Daniels. ‘Rather than change things for change’s sake, Bell have kept what worked in this latest design.
‘As a result, we are happy to use the E-series alongside our existing D-series models, safe in the knowledge that the latter can still perform to a similarly high standard as our latest purchase.’