Advice on safer cycling at Tour of Britain event

Hills Quarry Products to promote MPA Cycle Safe campaign on Stage Six of the Tour of Britain
WHEN Stage Six of the Friends Life Tour of Britain passes through Wiltshire later this week, Hills Quarry Products will be on hand to promote the Mineral Products Association’s national Cycle Safe campaign to raise awareness of the dangers associated with cycling near lorries.
Hills vehicles will be on show at The Green in Devizes from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Friday 12 September. Visitors will be able to see the modifications and improvements that have been made to the vehicles as part of the company’s commitment to minimizing the risk of accidents between cyclists and lorries.
Peter Andrew, group director of Hills Quarry Products, said: ‘We are supporting the MPA’s Cycle Safe campaign which aims to prevent collisions between cyclists and lorries by raising awareness on both sides of how to cycle and drive as safely as possible. The continuing growth in the number of cyclists, particularly in urban areas, is increasing the risks of collisions between cyclists and other road users.
‘We encourage everyone to come and see the changes we have made to our vehicles to improve drivers’ awareness of cyclists and help cyclists be more aware of potentially dangerous zones around lorries. Our drivers will be on hand to talk about the training they have received and their commitment to the campaign.’
Hilary Arrowsmith, communications manager with the Mineral Products Association (MPA), said: ‘It’s fantastic that one of our member companies is running this Cycle Safe event as part of our campaign, particularly with the Tour of Britain taking place and the further interest this is likely to generate around cycling.
‘We believe it is essential that all parties work together to make our roads safer for all road users. As an industry that operates some 30,000 lorries, the MPA’s Cycle Safe campaign reflects this commitment.’
The MPA’s Cycle Safe campaign highlights the potential risk of undertaking lorries and getting too close to them at left-hand turns and roundabouts. Cycle Safe leaflets giving practical tips on ways to prevent potential dangers will be handed out at the event. Both young and old will be given the opportunity to sit in the cab of a lorry to understand the driver’s perspective, experience visibility issues and share their own road experiences.
Hills Quarry Products are also members of the Freight Transport Association’s Well Driven Scheme, which gives members of the public a chance to comment on how a Hills vehicle is being driven, by calling a freephone number displayed on the back of the company’s vehicles. Moreover, all Hills drivers have all signed up to the company’s Good Driving Charter, where they commit to high standards of road use and good driving behaviour.