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Additional land removed from Highthorn proposal

Revised boundary for Highthorn surface mine

Banks Mining make a further revision to outline plans for proposed surface coal mine

AROUND 460ha of land has been removed from updated proposals for a Banks Mining’s new Highthorn surface mine in south-east Northumberland.

The land to the north of the C116, which runs between the villages of Widdrington and Druridge, has been removed from the latest version of Banks’ proposals after alternative locations were agreed for the elements of the mine’s operations that were being considered for this area.


However, Banks say they will still be considering what ecological, landscape and environmental improvements could be delivered within this area as part of the Highthorn project, which could begin while coaling is still ongoing as part of the ‘restoration first’ principle under which the company works.

The changes were outlined at the second of a series of community workshops that Banks Mining set up to allow local residents, community groups, employers and community leaders to meet with the Highthorn project team and help shape the project plans.

Around 90 people attended the event, which was chaired by an independent facilitator and held at the Widdrington Station community centre.

Banks submitted a scoping report for the project to Northumberland County Council before Christmas which reflected previous changes made to its outline ideas for the project in light of its initial discussions with and feedback from the local community.

These changes included the time between the proposed start of operations in 2016 to the completion of restoration being reduced from 13 years to between eight and 10 years, and the removal of 114ha to the east of Widdrington village from the study area being considered for the scheme.

A planning application for the scheme is expected to be submitted later in the year.

Mark Dowdall, environment and community director at The Banks Group, said: ‘We work hard to include local people, groups and community leaders in the development, operation and restoration of our surface mines, an inclusive approach which has often led to changes being made to the planning applications we submit and the working practices we adopt.

‘Involving as many people as possible at an early stage in the Highthorn development process means we can fully understand their views, which can then have a direct influence on the plans that we submit and on the benefits that we can bring to their area, and we’re very pleased with the numbers of people who’ve attended our first two events.’

He continued: ‘The latest area that we’ve removed from our plans means that we would no longer need to cross the C116 at all or carry out any coal extraction or storage activities on the land to the north of this road, which addresses one of the key issues raised with us during our community discussions, and takes the project boundaries even further away from Widdrington village and the properties at Druridge.

‘We are still, considering what environmental, landscape and ecological improvements to this area are achievable and appropriate as part of the project’s overall restoration, which will be designed in conjunction with local priorities.’


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