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President's Blog

Leading through nature

Glendinning quarry

Incredibly, we are now entering the year’s second quarter. Nearly everyone I speak to agrees that 2022 seems to be passing by like a blur. This time of year brings the arrival of spring in the UK and, hopefully, the promise of better weather on the way.

Seeing the first signs of new life and growth around us is an excellent reminder of the positive impact we make on the natural environment in which we operate. Most of us can probably recall one of the plenty of case studies highlighting the various projects that different companies have put into place in recent years. These projects aim to provide sites of high ecological value during and at the end of operational activities, supporting wildlife and biodiversity.

Often these spaces also create vital and valued facilities for local communities that have become so important for everyone, particularly in light of the events of the last couple of years. The MPA’s Quarries & Nature - A 50 Year Success Story showcases the excellent work that has been carried out and the value that our industry contributes to this area.

However, as members of the Institute, we should be ambitious in continuously seeking to improve and challenge ourselves. To understand how we, as the professional body, can support the industry in driving even more remarkable achievements.

We know that the operational context is changing with the regulatory changes driven by the new Environment Act and the development of the agenda around Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). Across the industry, there has been much discussion of the BNG and its ability to reflect our industry accurately. The current round of consultation ends at the beginning of this month, and we will update members with the outcomes as it becomes clear.

It is also timely for the Institute as we relocate to the National Stone Centre at Wirksworth, which is six former quarries, and surrounded by restoration projects from the industry demonstrating what can be done in delivering high-quality biodiverse landscapes.

With these sites and their resources now available to us, the Institute is actively developing new training for members and the broader industry around the restoration agenda as we play our part in supporting the drive to a more sustainable future. 

Looking across social media and from previous experience, I know many feel privileged to work in such beautiful parts of the country. We share that sense of stewardship for the sites we are responsible for. 

As professionals and members of the Institute, let us keep striving to protect and manage our sites, delivering the vital products the country and the economy needs whilst preserving and enhancing the landscapes we operate in and the communities we serve.

Martin Riley

Latest Jobs

Quarry Manager - Wareham

Imerys are looking for an experienced Quarry Manager who is keen to be involved in all aspects of quarry development, from the earliest stages of planning through to final restoration