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Derwen Plant And CDE Ireland

The first C&D waste processing site in Wales opens for business.

Situated in West Glamorgan on the outskirts of Swansea, Derwen Plant has installed the first construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycling plant in Wales. With a processing capacity of up to 150tph, the turn-key system was supplied by CDE Ireland.

Derwen’s system is designed to process a wide variety of feed stock associated with C&D waste.This variable feed gets fed onto a vibrating head mounted over the feed hopper by shovel. This removes any oversize material. The material then passes through an integrated CDE hopper-conveyor – aligned during manufacture to reduce spillage as well as time required for installation and house keeping.


The inclined conveyor – fitted with an over-band magnet – removes any ferrous material and feeds directly into the R2M60 1.5x4m rinsing screen, which washes out -4mm material. This -4mm material then travels directly to the CDE dual sands plant and is washed using an integrated hydrocylone, removing silts and clays. This plant will produce around 80tph of fine and coarse sand, dewatered to typically less than 13% moisture content.

Waste water is sent for treatment firstly to a T-08 high-rate thickener with its integrated polyelectrolyte dosing station. A thick sludge is quickly formed and pumped to a sludge holding tank fitted with agitators. A 15tph CDE/Diemme GHT heavy-duty filter press measuring 15m is then used for water recycling, eliminating the need for settling ponds and reducing the amount of surface water on site. Its cake dryness of around 80% results in easy handling and reduced transport costs, while the low cycle time results in reduced maintenance. Further to this no flocculent or lime is required to be added. The recycled water from the thickener and filter press is sent into a water storage tank and re-circulated back around the system.

From the R2M60 rinsing screen all of the +4mm material passes into an 8m Rotomax 132/8 logwasher where aggregate and dirt-bound materials are cleaned through attrition. Plastics and organics are floated off from the rear of the logwasher and passed to a small trash screen that recovers any water and fine material to the sand washing plant. The attritioned material is fed directly into a D2M75 1.5x5m screen with a wet and dry split.

The -6mm material is fed to the sand washing plant for the coarse sand production.

Other products produced are 6-10mm, 10-20mm and +20mm aggregate.

The EU has recently signed up to 70% of all C&D waste having to be recycled by 2020. This type of recycling system is becoming increasingly popular. Derwen Plant have found that by washing their construction and demolition waste with this CDE system they are adding greater value to their final products than it was with its previous dry processing system.


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