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Banks Mining update plans for Highthorn

Revised plans for Highthorn surface mine

Company makes changes to new surface mine land area following initial community consultations

INITIAL community consultations by Banks Mining around proposals for a new surface mine in south-east Northumberland have led to changes in the land area being considered for the project.

In July this year, Banks Mining announced plans for a possible new surface mining project called Highthorn, to the east of the village of Widdrington Station and inland from Druridge Bay.


The site is said to represent one of the best and largest remaining coal resources in England, and would sustain over 150 local jobs for more than a decade.

As a result of the initial feedback received from local residents and the landowner, Banks have moved to exclude a number of fields to the north-east of Widdrington village from any planning application that will be drawn up in the future.

The company has also stated that it hopes to further reduce the areas of land around residential areas that may be required for the Highthorn surface mine as the scheme design process moves forward and detailed operational requirements are confirmed.

The first phase of test drilling is currently taking place at the Highthorn site, and a series of community panels which will allow local people to provide further comments, opinions and ideas about the scheme is being planned by Banks next year.

Katie Perkin, communications manager with The Banks Group, said: ‘Involving local residents, businesses, community groups, tourism bodies and visitors from the beginning of the Highthorn development process means we can fully understand their views and enable them to have a direct influence on both the site’s design and the benefits it will bring to the area.

‘The importance of avoiding using this land became clear from the conversations we’ve had with a number of Widdrington residents as well as the landowner, and we’ve therefore taken it out of the scheme design process that is currently under way.

‘We’re very pleased with the degree of community engagement that we’ve been able to achieve over the last three months around this project, and will continue to maximize the opportunities for all interested parties to play a positive part in this ongoing dialogue.

‘We want the Highthorn site to set a new benchmark for modern mineral developments, delivering significant economic input alongside substantial benefits for the local community and wildlife alike. Our absolute priority is to design a scheme that delivers tangible long-term local and regional economic, environmental and social benefits from day one of the project.’


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